Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Roland Martin is a Blowhard

Roland (of CNN fame) was the featured speaker at an event I was at this past weekend.  I wasn't called on to ask a question so I had to accost him at the book signing afterward.  I asked him what he thought about blacks voting on prop 8 in California.  He started giving me some rigmarole (sp?) and eventually stated that some people view it as a religious issue and some as a civil rights issue.  So there.  This struck me as colossally stupid.  And I should have pressed the point harder when I was with him, but there was a line of people who actually wanted to get his signature.   Just because you may view gay marriage as a religious issue doesn't make it less of a civil rights issue.  Slavery and segregation were justified by whites with verses from the bible.  Is that a religious issue?  But they have civil unions you say.  Separate but equal was struck down because even though you try to have equal facilities, the fact that two classes of people are separated implies one will have to be "superior" to the other.  The same goes for Gay marriage.  By virtue of the fact that you call civil unions civil unions instead of calling them marriage is unequal treatment.  

I know blacks didn't sway the vote, it was more generational  but hypocritism (is that a word) is especially annoying to me.  Especially when it comes to people's civil rights.  How disgusting.

And blacks are going to continue to identify with Roland Martin, a very mediocre, loud mouth, with nothing particularly interesting to say.  


Bigotry 1- decency 0