Sunday, January 25, 2009

5th Congressional District Special Election

Seeing as I am a resident of the 5th, the special election to replace Rahm should be something I can blog about conscience free.  I will post an assessment of the candidates once I have reviewed them.  What do you mean by "conscience free?"  

My general philosophy about starting this blog was really just doing it for myself.  A way to warm my brain up for changing careers when the time came and to keep me engaged in local issues, since it's a civic duty.  There are a million people out there smarter than I and more knowledgeable about legal philospohy, international relations, military strategy, the constitution etc.  And they all have blogs.  Although my goal is not to become another Andrew Sullivan or Matt Yglesias, it would help if the blog caught fire a bit, but it should do so on a level where I am used efficiently.  And a 1,000,001st blog about everything you see in the national and international news isn't helping anyone, that market is pretty much saturated.  I can provide commentary and information about Chicago locally, and maybe Illinois sometimes.  The Blago case is a prime example, hell the guy lives in my hood, but it's a naitonal story so comeetning on it would just be pointless.  Although the dude is a dirty as hell.  And Burris is a bufoon.  I'd like to start a "Remove Burris" campaign.