Monday, January 26, 2009

Candidate Evals- Paul Bryar (D)

Paul Bryar
Dr. Bryar is a private citizen.  The only indepent info I could find on him was this.  But....wait for it....he has a website!  And the website has revolutionary things like, his views on issues! Imagine that.  

Dr. Bryar is a non-pol, who is well qualified to represent the voters of the 5th congressional district on some of the most important issues of the day.  As issues go, I like him.  As his background goes, I mostly like him, but he may be a R in D clothing.  I'll need more information to know if I care about that or not.  He seems competent enough.  

Issues- Dr. Bryar seems to have well thought out positions on a variety of issues.  Issues both local and national.  He's my brand of democrat in that he wants more "access" to healthcare and better quality.  He is very clear that he does not want "single payer socialized" care.  But his choice of phrasing makes me think that he's a R in D clothing.  More on that later.  The issues he cares most about, evidenced by the ones he posts his views on are 1) Healthcare (he is a n eye surgeon) 2) the economy, with some misplaced weight on pork 3) Education, which he rightly says is the "most important infrastructure" and 4) Going green.  The last one was his weakest issue, he could have easily advocated ending sugar ethanol tariffs and corn subsidies, which distort the alternative fuel market here, he could have endorsed Picken's Plan, or a variety of other measures.

Dr. Bryar is a doctor so he's well educated.  He's an eye surgeon to be specific.  My only worry about doctors is that sometimes they are assholes.  Especially surgeons.  But he's an eye surgeon so perhaps my irrational bias is a little misplaced.  Healthcare is the buzzword this year and for the next probably and he has a medical background.  He's also a professor at Northwestern.  The fact that he's an eye surgeon, an elective medical procedure probably gives him a more free-market orientation with the healthcare industry.  And if you think the current healthcare regime has problems (in my view due to some of the distortions of the market place in addition to other things) Dr Bryar is qualified and experienced enough to have nuanced opinions on the subject.

If Bryar is a republican in democrat clothing, there are a few things I am considering  1) It's dishonest and its the mark of someone who wants to do anything to win.  It flies in the face of leading by example and fighting the good fight.  2) It's realistic, because this is Illinois, and this is a gerrymandered district.  It's pragmatic. 3) I don't really care if he's a republican, I can see his stance on issues and I like them, regardless of what the letter next to his name is.  4) There are issues he's silent on (it's very short campaign and I don't expect everything to be up there) but if he is a Republican, is he against gay marriage?  Does he condemn the administration of George W Bush? (Not that Bush matters but it's an inidication of the soundness of his judgement)

Dr Bryar seems to be an accomplished eye surgeon who could put together an informative website.  He also held a meet and greet that I missed.  But hopefully he'll have another.  He is going to the DFA forum so I'll question his Democratic credentials there if I get a chance.