Monday, January 26, 2009

Candidate Evals- Paul Dagher (D)

Paul Dagher
Paul Dagher is no stranger to politics.  A veteran of the Clinton administration and of the Obama presidential campaign, I would classify him as an operator.  

Mr Dagher is probably shaping up to be a no.  It's hard to find information on him despite having served in the Clinton adminstration and previously run for congress in 2002.  I don't particularly think the Clinton Adminstration is a good pedigree either.  Although it does appear that he was an office manager for the Obama campaign.  He hasn't put up his website yet and his positions on issues are unpopular with the population as a whole (not necessarily so with me).  If he attends the DFA forum then I can get some more information, and if he puts up a website I can look at that too.  But he's quickly blending into the crowd.  No final disposition on this candidate yet.

He has a place holder for a website here.  It is supposed to be up today.  As of the writing of this, it is still not functioning despite saying it would be by this week.  The only issues that I know for certain that he advocates are ending aid to Israel and helping Iraqi Assyrians.  I know the Israel thing is political suicide so it's not so much as I'm against it (I'm unfamiliar with the facts and arguments on both sides so I can't say that I have an educated opinion) as I think he would constantly be challenged and have difficulty getting reelected.  Or he'd just be a big target for anyone who oppossed him on good legislation because they could hang the "Israel-hater" label on him.  The Assyrians thing is nice, except his family is Assyrian and that's where they're from.  It'd be like if I cared (I do I suppose) a great deal about suburban black kids.  So what, you're supposed to.

As far as his background goes he seems like a patriotic guy.  He's served the nation and worked in the public sector.  Although, he knows his way around the political arena.  I don't consider that a good thing.  If he was so competent and capable he should have no trouble getting a job with the State Department.  Otherwise maybe he should run for office within the city or county and do some good locally.  

It's strange that I can find information on Mr. Dagher here, and here.  But I can't seem to verify any of the information from these places.  The first one is a conspiracy theorist right winger (therealbarackobama?) and the other has a list of accomplishments that seem to check out with other stuff I've seen but I can't find a larger story in the trib or sun-times.  

Other Stuff:
He worked for the Obama Campaign.
He donated $1,750 to Jeff Footlik for Congress.
He's not concientious about his LinkedIn account.
Someone on Facebook liked him enough to start a group.